
Parallel Lives and Ed Morrell Audiobook

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In the early 1970s Dick Sutphen began experimenting with hypnosis in his art studio in Scottsdale Arizona He needed subjects to practice on and formed a free Wednesday night group where he taught the things he was learning and hypnotized individuals and the group mostly back to their pastlives

This was so successful and the crowds were so enthusiastic he started a private practice for more in depth study

He wrote about his interesting cases in several bestselling books starting in 1976 However he noticed peoples pastlives oftentimes overlapped in years

For example one woman relived her pastlife in England in 1890 and her lifetime in Japan 1900 How could this be

He worked with Spirit in meditation and discovered that we dont live just one lifetime after another we oftentimes live up to three different lives at the same time He labeled this Parallel Lives and in this audio he will tell you all about this fascinating reality of our lives on Earth

Afterwards Dick will describe his Parallel Life as an outlaw from California named Ed Morrell


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