
Housebreaking Audiobook

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SKU: AXEXI43248812 Category:


Following a longstanding feud and looking to settle the score a woman decides to dismantle her homealone and by handand move it across a frozen pond during a harsh New England winter in this mesmerizing debut

Home is certainly not where Dels heart is After a local scandal led to her parents divorce and the rest of her family turned their backs on her Del left her small town and cut off contact

Now with both of her parents gone a chance has arrived for Del to retaliate

Her uncle wants the one thing Del inherited the family home

Instead of handing the place over and with no other resources at her disposal Del decides she will tear the place apart herselfpiece by piece

But Del will soon discover the task stirs up more than just old memories as relativeseach in their own state of unravelingcome knocking on her door

This spare strange magical book is a story not only about the powerlessness and hurt that run through a family but also about the moments when brokenness can offer us the rare chance to start again


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