
I’m Not Broken Audiobook

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In this unflinching and inspiring memoir Jesse Leon tells an extraordinary story of resilience and survival shining a light on a childhood spent devastated by sex trafficking street life and substance abuse

A book for survivors and those who know someone they hope survives bodhisattvas all Sandra Cisneros bestselling author of TheHouse on Mango Street

Born to indigenous workingclass Mexican immigrants in San Diego in the 1970s Jesse Leons childhood was violently ruptured A dangerous and harrowing encounter at a local gift shop when he was eleven years old left Jesse with a deadly secret Hurt alone and scared for his life Jesse numbed his pain by losing himself in the hypermasculine culture of the streets and wherever else he could find itin alcohol drugs and prostitution Overlooked by statesanctioned institutions and systems intended to help victims of abuse neglected like many other lowincome Latinos Jesse spiraled into cycles of suicide and substance abuse

Im Not Broken is the heartbreaking and remarkable story of the journey Jesse takes to win back his life leading him to the steps of Harvard University From being the lone young person of color in Narcotics Anonymous meetings to coming to terms with his own sexual identity to becoming an engaged mentor for incarcerated youth Jesse finds the will to live with the love and support of his family friends and mentors Recounting the extraordinary circumstances of his life Jesse offers a powerful raw testament to the possibilities of selftransformation and selfacceptance Unforgettable Im Not Broken is an inspirational portrait of one young mans indomitable strength and spirit to surviveagainst all possible odds


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