
The Black Dog Audiobook

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SKU: EYMJL13716404 Category:


Edgy dark funny and perceptive The Herald

Immensely readable Jo Brand

Brilliant The Sun

Vulnerable and raw Tom Allen

A lifeaffirming debut novel from one of Britains mostloved comedians Kevin Bridges exploring dysfunctional friendships family and how to face your problems head on

Declan Dolan has always wanted to be a writer turning the ideas that spiral in his head into stories on the page He longs to emulate his hometown hero renowned writer and actor James Cavani Though their lives couldnt be more different they have a lot more in common than they think

With his pet labrador Hector and his best friendturnedmentor Doof Doof by his side Declan sets out to escape his world of bingedrinking supermarket shelfstacking and smalltime gangsters Meanwhile Cavani finds himself drawn back into this world that he thought he had already escaped

Could it be that fate has a way of bringing two people together when they need it the most


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