
Chasing Eternity Audiobook

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SKU: AFSNG61265434 Category:


Im about to break one of the biggest rules of allBut I need to find my dad And if that means going back to New York City in 1998 to find himbefore Im even bornthen thats what I have to do Because I need someone I trust to teach me what it means to be a TimekeeperNow Im in the land of postgrunge lowrise jeans baby doll tees chunky boots and risking my own existence in the process AwesomeThis is no ordinary trip Just about anything can go wrong and if I get found out Ill lose not only my home and school but Braxton too Because there might not be enough forgiveness in the world for what Ive doneand what I am about to doBecause the secrets are more terrible than I thought The reality is even more horrifying And Ill do whatever it takes to find out the truth about Gray Wolf Academy the strange billionaire who runs it and not only why hes so invested in travelingor Trippingthrough time but what his real plans are And times almost up


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