
Creating Wellbeing and Building Resilience in the Veterinary Profession Audiobook

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A Call to Life aims to help veterinary caregivers increase selfefficacy decrease unnecessary suffering and increase sustainability in their mission to support animal health around the world The veterinary profession is powered by dedicated bright and selfless individuals Unfortunately the longstanding and dysfunctional culture in classrooms and practices around the world expects veterinary caregivers to be ready to sacrifice everything in the name of being deemed qualified and worthy

Integrating reallife stories from a range of veterinary caregivers with evidencebased theory practical activities discussion and reflection points and insights drawn from the authors own experiences the book empowers veterinarians by showing that they have the ability and the control to choose a healthier way forward for themselves and their profession It describes how to normalize the conversation around mental and emotional health challenges in caregiving environments discuss and collaboratively create systemic solutions that promote healthier ecosystems for vets to work within develop the skills of reframing mindfulness and selfcare strategy implementation supporting holistic veterinary wellbeing and collectively choose to shift the framework of professional conversations towards psychological safety optimism and purposedriven experiences


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