
Heal Yourself with Fasting Audiobook

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Fasting is an ancient form of reviving our bodys healing systems and new scientific research is describing why we heal when fasting Join bestselling author Dr Mindy Pelz to learn about six fasts of different lengths that are sciencebacked and accessible to you right now Fasting is not a fad diet It is a way of timing your food and giving your body an opportunity to heal itself in myriad ways Dr Mindy teaches about different lengths of fasting from 8 hours to a few days why women and men should fast differently and how to build a fasting lifestyle In the final track Dr Mindy guides you in a meditation to dive deep within your body to appreciate your innate intelligence and healing potential and to realize that you are the hero youve been waiting for Track 1 Why Fasting Heals the BodyTrack 2 Your Entry into a Fasting LifestyleTrack 3 Using a Fasting Lifestyle to Heal HormonesTrack 4 Why Men and Women Need to Fast DifferentlyTrack 5 What Conditions Can Fasting HealTrack 6 Meditation on You Are the Hero Youve Been Waiting For


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