
Hope Is Where the Heart Is Audiobook

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InHope Is Where the Heart Is Jim Pourteaushares the story of how he and his wife Shannon found healing and restoration in their marriage after betrayal and brokenness

Have you made mistakes wrong choices or foolish decisions that have negatively affected your life and the people you love

Jim Pourteau has you beat

Jim was the guy who did everything right He was a spiritual leader in one of the largest congregations in the Northeast the goto guy when others needed advice Yet he nearly destroyed his marriage by having an affair with one of his wifes best friends

ButHope Is Where the Heart Isis about much more than the demise of Jims marriage and how he and his wife Shannon discovered how to put it back together It is a roadmap for overcoming hardships for finding strength to face another dayor to make it through the long dark night of your soulforging ahead in faith and persevering despite the circumstances or opinions of others

This story will cause you to ask What would I do in a similar situation How can I better handle betrayal and rejection Most of all it will evoke the question What really matters

Whether you have a great marriage or your relationship is in troubleHope Is Where the Heart Isoffers a different approach to facing your challenges Within these pages you will find one of lifes most valuable assetshope


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