
I Am Enough Audiobook

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Stressed by your spending Always feeling like you should do more Join Sheridan Stewart on an inspiring journey towards spending less feeling happier and focusing on the important things

What began as a 90Day challenge simply to spend less becomes an exploration of whatmatters most I Am Enoughcontemplates what it means to have enough do enoughand ultimately be enough Told with insight and humour this book is an antidoteto the constant pressure we are under to do more have more and be more

Busy radio presenter and broadcaster author and midlifer Sheridan Stewart created the 90Day Enough Challenge out of necessity She had been struggling with burnout for years but couldnt find a way to break the cycle of dashing about feeling guilty about spending too much eating too much and not being a good enough wife friend volunteer work colleague and human being

Sheridans quest to prioritise calm selfcare and what really matters in life is inspirational The practical programme which she has created is in three parts with a detailed timeline tips and checklists for every step of the journey


  • The first part of the book is about surrender learning to let go and strip life back to the essentials getting enough sleep and support utilizing what we have instead of buying more and doing enough without being sucked into the relentless pursuit of perfectionism


  • The second part of the book makes a shift from not only doing things differently but beginning to feel and view things differently Even though to the outside observer Sheridans life may appear the same same job same relationships same environment she learns to see life through a different lens She begins to take small actions that better served her physical emotional and financial wellbeing and shows the reader how to do the same


  • The third part of the book is about choice As Sheridan nears the end of her 90Day Challenge she starts to explore implementing lasting change As a chronic dieter and a driven overachiever she is aware of how quickly old patterns and behaviours can take hold Why will this time different

Over the course of this journey Sheridan learns to trust herself and you can too by following in her footsteps on a journey towards financial and emotional happiness


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