
No Time to Waste Audiobook

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Each day we go through our routines whether at work or home exhibiting microbursts of behavior Often we give little or no thought to these microbursts We answer questions request help provide direction offer counsel amp advice talk to family friends amp colleagues encounter strangers and so on Some of our microbehaviors hit exactly as we intendpositive development empathetic and affirming Some of our microbehaviors stray off the marknegative draining uncaring and destructive Where do these microbehaviors come from How can we better control them No Time to Waste A Guide to Your MicroBehaviors lays out practical strategies to help you put your best self forward creating the right dynamic and honoring the people around you Learning how to calibrate your microbehaviors will result in better relationships overall with the added benefit of driving performance in an organization setting You cant afford to waste your time or those of the people around you Understanding and managing your microbehaviors will be a gamechanger for you


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