
Snatch Back Audiobook

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I was standing on my bed looking out of my bedroom window The sky appeared gray and somber I saw a young man with dark hair looking up staring at me from the sidewalk Then quick lightning flashed striking him leaving a small pile of charcoalcolored ashes on the sidewalk where he once stood I awoke I was surrounded by plastic drapes and hospital monitoring equipment The air around me smelled like chicken soup and chemicals They later told me it had been five months that Id been in a coma I was wrapped in layers of white bandages Thirddegree burns covered almost 80 percent of my body My journey was just beginning The doctors painted a grim future for me They told my mom that I would never walk again Oftentimes we can forget to be thankful for the small things In her book Snatch Back author Ruby Hayes recounts some of her most trying times and how God eventually took hold of her life and brought her back to the light Hayess book is a shining testimony to the fact that it is never to late to be relinquished from the devil This is the book that Satan himself does not want published


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