
Staying Safe: How Situational Awareness CAN save your life Audiobook

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Embedded in everyone is the ability to identify threats to our lives In fact staying out of harms way by avoiding potential theft and violence is how weve survived as a species But now in these modern times we need new methods to cope with todays hazards In Staying Safe How Situational Awareness Will Save Your Life national crime prevention expert Travis Bruyer shows us how to identify assess and predict an imminent riskeven before strategizing to avoid potential harm Did you see that strangers evaluating glance nervous hand movement predatory body language Did you notice the odd things going on around you the outofplace indicators that suggest something is about to go horribly wrong Cops call it situational awareness the radar that sets off the warning alarm Staying Safe gives you valuable easytounderstand tips and guidance as well as uncomplicated yet thorough explanations to protect yourself Lets face it Your personal safety and personal defense is paramount Panic and crippling fear breed a victim Knowledge is not only power but can also be a lifesaver


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